Indian Veteran Officers' Association of North America (IVOANA) is a nonprofit organization to promote comradeship between its members residing in North America. While similar regional organizations exist in Southern (Los Angeles) and Northern (San Francisco) California and Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New York, New Jersey) the increasing number of veterans in the District of Columbia and its neighboring states call for one.

The long distances and costs of travel prohibit any attempt to establish a unified association. However, it is generally agreed that membership of one such association offers temporary privileges as honorary members to participate in the events of the other. Thus, the usefulness of a new association for Washington, DC area is obvious.

Besides, comradeship, considering the increasing number of defense services visitors to the United States, it offers opportunities to meet them in Washington, DC. It is the location of this association at the capital of the USA and not far from Ottawa, Canada that suggests the inclusion of "North America," to its designation.

The Association membership is open to former defense services officers, their spouses and children. Those desirous of membership will have to apply. Contact Secretary, IVOANA for membership forms. The application will be considered as per the existing byelaws.

The governing body which has members nominated by the President in consultation with the Vice president will be responsible to make sure that the rules are followed in spirit and ethos of the Indian Armed Forces. It has been so resolved, agreed and decided that the decisions of the President and Vice President as recorded by the Secretary from time to time and conveyed to members are final and binding.


IVOANA strives to promote esprit-de-corps and comradeship of retired officers of Indian Defense Services and their families residing in North America. It is a feel of home in the land of our adoption and a forum to carry forward the close contact prevalent in the officer corps of the Indian Defense Services. To carry forward these activities through social interactive network in successive generations of veterans and their family is our aim. As per the long-established traditions of the Indian Defense Services, IVOANA is apolitical, nonreligious and will not associate with any mass movement.

23396 Summerstown Pl Stirling, VA 20133
Email: vijay2rita@yahoo.com

For Correspondence:
Arun Lal, Addional VP
Ph: 703 470 6811

Ajuer Sood

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